
today was the only day this week where i could sleep late, not having to wake up early to go jog, to go work, or to make a supply run. the only reason i had to get early this was to avoid an incoming storm front that would rain for the rest of the day. but i figured the worst that would happen is i'd take the bus to belmont, which wouldn't be an issue. i didn't wake up until almost 10am, having gone to bed last night at 3am.

i put the cover on the motorcycle, it was already raining a little bit. i couldn't remember if i took my prescriptions last night, but took a blood pressure reading that looked okay, so i didn't take my pills, didn't want to risk double dipping and lowering my blood pressure to dangerous levels. i was still futzing around when my mother called me at 11am asking if i needed a ride. they just got back from a south end baifu (foodpak) supply run and were at the cafe. so they came to pick me up.

today was not only wet but cold with temperature only in the 50's. it was miserable enough that i didn't bother going into the backyard and my sister didn't bother bringing esmei over. i ate some fried chicken bones and a chocolate pastry before my mother made some rice noodles for lunch. my father also made a hot grass jelly soup with goji berries that looked like some dark soy dipping paste with hot peppers. it tasted pretty good though.

i checked on the midea square dehumidifier. it seemed to be running fine, the fan running, the compressor kicking in occasionally, and it looked like it was also pumping judging from the wetness in the laundry sink. later it turned off when it reached 55% humidity. so far, given a normal day of operations, the dehumidifier will use 8kWh of electricity. that's 240kWh of power in a month, which makes it the number one usage of electricity in the house. i think it won't run as much in the dryer winter months though.

sunday means football and i had the 1pm patriots-dolphins game on. new england looked good in the first quarter when they converted a turnover into a touchdown, leading 7-0. miami would tie it up by quarter's end. in the 2nd quarter patriots didn't score but the dolphins put up 10 more points, 17-7. patriots still had a chance in the 2nd half before the wheels came off, and at that point as a pats fan, all you can do is close your eyes and go to your happy place. dolphins win 31-17.

my mother's new single serving coffee maker came, to replace her mr.coffee keurig machine that finally died a few days ago. vimukun-brand, it's the same model they sell on temu. at just $35, it was the most basic of single serve coffee maker. we ran an empty cycle to rinse out the inside before using, before we realized it might not be keurig k-cup pods compatible, as there's no mention of it anywhere on the box or the machine itself. we started blaming my mother for buying a non-keurig machine, before we did discover that it does indeed take k-cups. it doesn't have a dedicated water compartment, you basically pour your water into the empty space around the k-cup holder. it works, but i feel like my mother could spend a little more to get a coffee maker with better quality.

for dinner my father grilled some salted fish over the stove while my mother made a wood ear & chicken stirfry.

i went around the house tossing out our old clothes moth traps and replacing them with brand new ones. this after speaking with my mother who says she still sees moths flying inside the house. replacing all the traps allow me to see where they're most abundant (living room, bedrooms, basement), to find the source of the infestation. my dream is to one day set out the traps and not capture a single moth.

my father gave me a ride back to cambridge. the rain seemed to have stopped for the time being but it was still wet with more rains to come later in the evening and into tomorrow.

my CO2 tank is down to 80psi. i started my CO2 injection back in september, so it's been running for almost 2 months now, not too bad. i promise to do a full clean of my aquarium the next time i need to remix a new batch of CO2 for my pressure tank. i also bought a bottle of acurel, so i can use that to further clarify the aquarium.

after tonight, just 6 teams are undefeated in this young NBA season so far: pacers, celtics, magic, nuggets, pelicans, mavericks. with our stacked line-up, i kind of have this fantasy where boston goes undefeated the rest of the season. that's very unrealistic, but that's how high a bar i've set for this celtics superteam. we play the 1-1 wizards tomorrow, that should be a W. after that a date with the thus-far undefeated pacers on wednesday, and the 0-2 nets on saturday.