
the weather today was mostly grey, with periods of rain, and warm too. nothing too dramatic, but i stayed indoors for most of the day regardless. for lunch i reheated some leftover rice noodles from over the weekend. later in the afternoon - during a lull in the rain - i biked down to walgreens to pick up a prescription. i also snagged some almonds on sale.

a while back my sister found a pair of old tripods some neighbors had tossed out on the curb. i'd looked at them briefly, but only today did i give them a closer look. they're both fairly industrial, like they'd support the weight of a commercial video camera. one of them - no brand - is working after i adjusted the center column to fix a slight wobble. the other - a kenlock 3000 GLB - features square diameter interlocking aluminum legs. it's a sweet a tripod, except it's missing the entire tripod head assembly, including the mount attachment for the gear-drive center column. so i was online for a good chunk of the day trying to find a replacement. no luck, and even then, i didn't want to spend too much since buying the same used tripod online only costs $36. i ended up buying a replacement head off of aliexpress for $5.62 including shipping. nothing special, it's just a plastic head, but it attaches to the center column using a threaded clamp, and was the only thing i found online that would even remotely work and was cheaply priced. there's a 15 day delivery guarantee, so i'm hoping to see it the first week of march.

the rest of the day was spent foraging inside the house: baked some hazelnuts; had some orange slices; made some hot chocolate; snacked on some pretzels; ate some beef jerky; had some watermelon seeds; drank several glasses of black tea; and had some more spicy chicken feet. i ate enough throughout the day that i wasn't very hungry when evening came, and decided to just skip dinner, try to go to bed early tonight, since i have a day of cafe work tomorrow.