
i called verizon this morning before leaving for belmont. even though i called twice last month trying to fix the bill, they still billed my parents for a non-existent router. my latest agent told me the problem could've been because they already billed us, and once that happened, they can't change it, only give us credit on the next bill. so he made sure that next month's bill will reflect the changes.

my father and i made ham-egg-avocado-bagel sandwiches for lunch today, with the defrosted ham i brought from my own house. i also had some garlic bread, which my father was already toasting when i arrived in belmont.

a lot of activities around the bird feeders, downy woodpeckers pecking at the suet cakes, house finches eating the sunflower seeds. we also watched a robin seemingly like magic just pluck a fat juicy worm from the ground. how do robins know where the worms are? and why do they keep their wings downwards like that? my father thought it was injured.

around 1pm we went out for a walk to watertown, taking a tour of every single armenian-persian-greek-brazilian market we passed along the way (super vanak, roksana market, massis bakery, arax market, sevan bakery, BH market). it was basically the tour my mother and i took, except since it was monday, and many more markets were opened. it was an eye-opening trip for me father, who saw all the different things to eat just within walking distance from their house.

we we walked for over 2 hours, 3-1/2 miles, and didn't get back until 3:30pm, my father said he could barely walk afterwards. i was searching for these fruit strips that i thought we bought at super vanak, but they didn't have any. maybe at roksana market, but they're actually closed on mondays. i ended up getting some rose-flavored turkish delights from arax market.

i only went out into the backyard today to refill the bird feeder. we're waiting for belmont to empty all our garden refuse bins this coming week so we can do more spring clean-up. hopefully next weekend we can mow the lawn and put down some crab grass preventer and fertilizer.

my father made some spicy shake & bake chicken thighs for dinner along with some rice. i rode back to cambridge after 7pm.