we had downpours this morning into the early afternoon, remnants of tropical storm fred passing through our area. i'd already moved in my thanksgiving cactuses so they wouldn't get soaked, but this morning i also moved my umbrella plants to a drier spot on my backyard deck.
the rain stopped for the most part by 1pm, but that's when i received an emergency broadcast warning on my phone about possible tornados in my county. i turned on the news and all the local channels were covering it. it seemed to be more in the north store area.
i finished up the box of frozen soft pretzels from my fridge. the less things i have to box up come tuesday when my new fridge arrives, the better, particularly frozen food items.
for dinner i finished the rest of my mandarin orange chicken. in hindsight it was way too much food for just one person, i felt bloated afterwards. i ate while watching the preseason football match between the patriots and the eagles. new england beat philadelphia 35-0. i had a yellow peach for dessert.