
my goal today was to go to belmont so i could spray the aphids i noticed on the bean plant photos i took yesterday. this could be the reason why the beans seem to be growing so slowly.

i had a tea egg with my matcha latte in the early afternoon. typically i let the tea eggs steep for 3 days, so today was a day early. it tasted pretty good, i don't know if another day will make any difference. i also refilled my squeeze bottle with more diatomaceous earth.

in my own backyard, my houseplants seem to be doing well - the umbrella plant and the thanksgiving cactus. i should also think about moving out my prayer plants. the lotus roots don't seem to be germinating, also they seem to be slightly reconstituted from the weeks of soaking. in my seed starter tray i noticed some tiny seedlings. i can't recognize if they're snowy spires but a few of them are definitely rudbeckia. i'll keep an eye on their progress, maybe i can salvage a few more perennial flower seedlings. i moved the umbrella plant to the round cast iron table in the backyard. it's a perfect place for it, but i don't know if there's enough light in that corner.

i went down to the community garden to spray some insecticidal soap and diatomaceous earth (DE). lynn was there again, we really seem to be on the same gardening schedule. she was there watering her plants. three-lined potato cucumbers (which i learned just today are not striped cucumber beetles) continue to feast on my ground cherries. i squashed a few adults and found several places where eggs were laid underneath leaves, which i also promptly destroyed. i didn't bother watering because i didn't want to rinse off the DE.

i had planned on going directly to the cafe afterwards, but when i got my bike i noticed the front wheel was totally flat. i ended up pushing my bike home. when i got back i went about repairing the tire. i took out the tube, partially inflated it, then submerged it in the bathtub to check for leaks. the leak was coming out from the side of the inflate valve. i patched it up but i wasn't sure if it was going to work, being so close to the valve. i put the tube back in the tire and reinstalled it onto the front wheel. i then inflated the tube. all seemed well, until i felt the tire and noticed it was going flat. i could also hear a hissing sound coming from the valve. so i took out the tube again, and once more dunked it in the bathtub to check for leaks. the new patch seemed to be holding, but under 60-80psi, that's when it'll leak again. i ended up just installing a brand new tube, which solved the problem, no more leaks. so what would've taken me about half an hour to fix ended up taking 1-1/2 hours.

i finally left my house by 3:30pm. i packed two tubs of yangbaechu kimchi and rode to the cafe. originally i was just going to drop them off and continue to belmont, where i had some gardening followed by another ASUS tablet test flight. but my father ended up going with me (we drove in the car), because he saw a rabbit this morning and said we could try flushing it out of the backyard.

when we arrived in belmont, we couldn't find the rabbit. i checked the perimeter of the yard again, there was no breach i could find, other than the hole i spotted yesterday which i plugged with a rock. this time i also added a brick. there were signs of rabbit intrusion though: a large section of violets growing underneath the maples have been eaten and it even ate a whole tomato seedling, leaving nothing but a stump behind. i inspected the bean plants, i didn't really see a lot of aphids, it was a false alarm. i still sprayed with some neem oil though, as a preventative. i also sprayed the lupines, though i did see a ladybug larvae lurking nearby. my father showed me the hyacinth bean growing against the western fence had already flowered.

we returned to the cafe by 5pm. i left shortly afterwards, biking back home.

feeling hungry, i snacked on some carrots and celery with a hummus dip. when that wasn't satisfying enough, i baked 3 german soft pretzels, enjoyed them with some french brand mustard. they were okay, but i still prefer the store-bought soft pretzels.

for dinner i gathered up my wrap ingredients and made a buffalo chicken wrap. later in the evening i put a screen protector on my ASUS tablet (the protectors arrived today). i'm getting pretty good at it, perfect coverage, no trapped dust or air bubbles.