
i woke up at 9am so i could get ready to leave by 10:30am to pick up my sister for her second moderna shot at the cambridge street CVS. i noticed them last night, but some of my long beans have already sprouted. i planted them on the 20th, so germination in just 5 days. i moved them from the bedroom to the grow closet. i also juiced the remaining half dozen navel oranges for one final container of fresh OJ for my mother.

i went to go pick up my sister. she was already waiting outside her house, speaking with the mail carrier. we went down cambridge street before she reminded me that the street is closed at inman square, which i totally forgot about (it's been converted into a one way street in order to accomodate outdoor seating for a cluster of restaurants). i took a short detour along prospect street before finally getting to the CVS. the parking lot was full but there was a single space still available. i waited in the car surfing the web on my phone while my sister went inside to get her shot.

she came out a lot sooner that i expected: her appointment was 11:15am but they gave her the second dosage as soon as got there and was out by 11:10am. after dropping her off back at home, i continued to belmont to return the car.

my mother was preparing lunch, noodles with leftover dinner ingredients from the past few nights, with a touch of kimchi thrown into the mix. my father was out in the backyard, digging a new southern trench for planting vining vegetables. after lunch we went out into the backyard to take a look.

in order to build the trench, we had to dig up a lot of spiderworts. we thought about transplanting them to other parts of the southern garden, but between the spiderworts are mixed in some common lawn grass, ornamental grass, and creeping bellflowers. we transplanted what we could but a lot will end up being discarded as garden refuse. also occasionally we'd dig up glory-of-the-snow bulbs or sensitive fern rhizomes, which needed to be planted elsewhere.

we finished by around 2pm and went to my sister's godmother's apartment. her new 50" TCL android HDTV arrived today and we were there to set it up for her. we parked outside along the curb and i had to run up to the apartment to get visitor's parking permit and bring it back down.

the first thing the TCL HDTV wanted to do was connect to the internet. since my sister's godmother doesn't have internet service just yet (i've been calling comcast for nearly 2 months now and still unsuccessful), we tried the free xfinitywifi using my comcast credentials. that works for phones, tablets, and laptops, but doesn't work for HDTV's (i'm guessing comcast/xfinity does device restrictions). we then attached the antenna and let the HDTV scan for channels. it found over 40 channels. for some reason it wasn't able to find channel 4 or 7, but it did find channel 6, which i don't even know where it's broadcasting from (new bedford/providence?). it's not surprising though, since from the 16th floor it's one of the tallest building in the area. i moved the antenna closer to the window and it was able to discover channel 4 and 7, then channel 5 seemed a little shaky.

my sister's godmother also needed help with her phone. she wanted to check how much data she used (0.03GB this month out of 4GB) and to check her voicemail. pressing the quick dial to voicemail didn't work (*86), but calling the mintmobile voicemail service number did work. we set up her voicemail message and was able to receive messages.

we finally left by 4:15pm. when we got back, i put the battery back into the motorcycle and we wheeled it out of the garage. it took a while to start, for the fuel to get into the engine. at first we thought the battery went dead after so many failed attempts to start the bike. my father even went inside to get the jump starter, but when i tried starting the engine one last time, the engine finally came to life.

for dinner my parents made chive boxes using the electric baking pan. we also had some smoked sausages (costco purchased), some mung bean soup, and some grass jelly.

not sure what i was feeling the first ride of the season; at the very least it meant i'd get home sooner. going over observatory hill, i saw the pink super moon. i parked the bike and fished the camera out of my backpack so i can get some photos.

later in the evening i ate one of my yellow dragon fruits. even when it looks like it's gone rotten on the outside, on the inside they're still good to eat. however, i think in this case was over overripe, the inside flesh wasn't white like in a fresh dragon fruit, but had a reddish tinge to eat. it still tasted good, just looked a little gross. i was waiting for its laxative properties to take hold, but i was fine for the rest of the night. a few times my stomach made a weird gurgling noise, but no pain or discomfort. when it was getting close to bedtime however, that's when it struck. i went to the bathroom and experienced explosive diarrhea to put it mildly. afterwards i felt fine.