
i installed the second fan in my grow closet today. i used a length of flexible tie to hang the fan. unfortunately my surge protector has a design flaw and i can't fit two flat plugs side-by-side. i ended up having to daisy-chain my led grow lights so all 6 lights use only one plug to make enough room on the surge protector to fit the two fan plugs.

in the early afternoon i attended a lecture about non-chinese "chinese" art at the harvard museums. it was a first zoom conference where having the video camera on was the default setting. i naturally turned it off, but it was kind of awkward as most everyone else had their's on. the talk was interesting, revealing that so much "chinese" art in the museums are not actually chinese, or have a complicated provenance that can't just simply group as chinese just because it came from china.

tteokbokki (떡볶이)
(1 serving)

2 cups water
1/4 tsp hondashi powder
1 clump of dried seaweed

2-1/2 tbsp gochujang paste
1/2 tbsp hot pepper flakes
1/2 tbsp karo dark corn syrup

10 oz. frozen rice cakes
(1/3 2 lbs. package)

7 oz. fried tofu wedges
(half package)

2 scallions, chopped

make broth over medium heat 15 minutes combining water with hondashi and dried seaweed. discard seaweed, add hot pepper paste mixture, along with rice cakes. stir constantly to keep rice cakes from sticking to pan. midway through add tofu wedges. done when liquid reduced to shiny sauce (about 7 minutes). add scallions.

for dinner i made some korean rice cakes. i boiled the seaweed first before adding some hondashi. i also added the spicy paste ingredients directly into the broth instead of mixing it up first. it really hit the spot, and i also had a bowl of sichuan paocai while i waited, almost like a spicy & sour crunchy salad.