
even though my parents already got their vaccination appointments (next wednesday), i was still curious about the mass vaccination website a week after the server crash fiasco. the governor said they fixed the problem but i wanted to see for myself. it wasn't difficult since starting before 7am i began to receive tweets on my fitness tracker from the mass vaccine twitterbot announcing the availability of vaccine appointments. first it was remote places like dartmouth and springfield, a few hundred vaccines there, a few hundred there. then gillette stadium started showing up with about a thousand per day for the east clinic and the west clinic. however when fenway park started announcing appointment availability, there were less than 100 appointments per day. someone appointments were already gobbled up before they were even made available to the public. there's some secret way that certain people are booking slots that's hidden to the average vaccine seeker.

but out of curiosity i clicked one of the links for fenway park. the website didn't crash like las time, but instead brought me to a "waiting room" page where i was informed there was a 2 hours wait time. elsewhere on reddit, people were posting screen shots where the "helpful" portal page was telling them there were 100k people ahead of them in the virtual line. so once again it's impossible for the average person to book a vaccine appointment. first, there's only so much vaccines each week. second, the registration website is a joke, it's efficient, and could potentially discourage people looking for the vaccine to end up not getting it at all. and these are the people who want the vaccines! imagine trying to vaccinate those who don't want it? later i read on reddit someone's proposal to improve the vaccination distribution. everyone who wants a vaccine should register their info, those eligible would be enter a lottery system where they'd get an appointment, if they don't confirm within a given amount of time, the appointment goes back into the pool. that seems to be the fairest system and makes it so that you don't need a degree in computer hacking in order to score a vaccine appointment.

originally i planned on going to chinatown today. but my mother called me in the morning and told me it was too windy, and that i should go tomorrow instead. after a matcha latte for lunch, i went to market basket to get some more deli meats. i also deposited two grocery bags' worth of cans and bottles. i needed ham and some more capicola. i got a package of ham from the ready made dispenser but later realized once i got home it was actually turkey (though it said ham). i was shopping when walgreens automated pharmacy called to let me know my prescriptions were ready. once i dropped off the groceries back at home, i walked down to walgreens to pick up my medication. i also got two bags of chili pistachios that were on sale (seems like a lot of food items at walgreens were on sale for some reason).

my sister's godmother returned to cambridge today to move into her new place. my sister went to go pick her up from south station and afterwards my father took my sister's godmother to her new apartment. she has zero furnitures so my parents gave her two ikea STIG bar stools and loaned her a zero gravity chair. she had some food in the fridge of her old apartment but kevin ate most of it during her absence. now that she's living alone she doesn't have to worry about china roommates eating her food! she's only here until the weekend before returning to connecticut. she gave her employeer a generous 2 month notice to find a new live-in nanny. hopefully when she moves back to cambridge she can find more local work.

for dinner i made another italian sub, 3rd night in a row. i had a nectarine afterwards.

some excitement later in the evening, when i noticed a police SUV cruising down the street with its flood lights and red and blues turned on. i was curious as to what was going on, but then i remembered i can pick up police radio chatter with my baofeng radio. i wasn't sure which town so i had it tuned to both cambridge and somerville. somerville dispatch revealed the reason: the was a report of a suspicious white male wearing a tan hat apparently peeking into a house on beacon street. both cambridge and somerville police were notified and sent officers to the area. at one point several police SUV's congregated right out my house as the officers then walked the area on foot. i don't think they caught the guy because later i heard someone on the radio speculating that the suspect might've left in the direction of porter square.