
i finally received my census termination e-mail, which will allow me to collect unemployment. they even sent me a second letter giving me instructions on how to claim.

i cleaned my aquarium today: pulled out all the hair algae, scrubbed off the glass algae with a magic sponge, changed out the activated carbon, used the aquarium water to feed my houseplants. i really ought to clean it more often, like once a week, but i can never get around to it. i don't remember the last time i cleaned, but according to my blog, it could've been as long as july.

i had some time to adjust my rear and front derailleurs. my rear cogs keep on skipping on the cassette. turns out it wasn't a derailleur issue, but rather some string (the same string i found on the street that i used to remove my old macbook pro battery) that gotten wrapped inside the cassette. i don't know if it fixed it because the chain skip issue seemed like it predated the wrapped string, but i won't know until i give the bike a longer ride. i then went to work on the front derailleur, which has never worked. at most i can switch between two chainrings, but usually i ride in the middle chainring and make small adjustments on the rear cogs. i fiddled with it for a while, but i don't think i made any progress. i took the bike out later for a short ride on flat surface, seems like i can only use gears 5-6-7 with the middle chainring, any other setting and there's chain rub. i'll take a look at it again next week.

for dinner i warmed up some frozen french bread pizza.