i left at 10am to take a short motorcycle ride to harbor freight to pick up some pegboard hooks. i got home a bit before 11am, had about half an hour of rest, before i was back out again, this time biking near davis square to catch the start of the annual honk parade. i locked the bike on beech street and walked towards davis. once the bulk of the procession had passed me, i followed the parade, tracking down interesting photo ops. i got back on my bike and rode to porter square, where i parked and then positioned myself on the island between mass ave and somerville ave, the highest point of the route.
the honk parade seemed a little lackluster this year, the same thing i felt about the caribbean parade a few months back. i didn't follow the procession into harvard square for the octoberfest. instead i went home and took the motorcycle to belmont.
the circular sprinkler ($5) arrived yesterday but i didn't get a chance to use it until today. i set it up on the side of the yard using the rain barrel pump and watched hailey go crazy chasing the water sprays. the pump pressure is fairly strong, so i controlled the force of the water by turning the hose shutoff valve. the 3 different spray arms are adjustable, and depending on how you point the nozzles, the sprinkler can either spin fast or slow. hailey seemed to be enjoying it but we turned it off when she got completely soaked.
in the afternoon we went to check on binbin's house in burlington before getting some supplies at the waltham costco. in burlington we continued cleaning up the fridge, taking any perishables with us. it was my first time being there since binbin and her family returned to china, and i noticed their wifi was still working, which meant they didn't have a chance to cancel their internet service before leaving. they can still do it online, but if they decide to keep their internet service, it means we can install a webcam at their place to keep an eye on it and not have to come by so often to check up on the house.
afterwards we went to the waltham costco, which was pretty quick traveling on I-93. after picking up a few things, we returned to belmont.
we got a chance to put up the pegboard hooks i got earlier this morning. now our basement pegboard looks very professional and organized.