my sister and i rendezvoused at the cambridge cemetery to pay our respects at my grand uncle's grave. just our luck, we come on the day when the ground crew is mowing the grass directly behind us in an extremely noisy riding mower, spraying grass clippings and twigs. my sister brought some dahlia flowers from her backyard and stuck them into plastic vases with ground spikes. we stayed briefly before she went home while i continued to nearby home depot.
having never bought molding before, i didn't know they were priced by the foot (i should've known the printed price was too good to be true). i found out when i went to check out and the cashier was measuring the height of the molding piece. i ended up returning to the molding department where they had a self-serve molding cutting station. i cut my molding in half (5ft). i also bought a can of wood filler. i looked for rounded planks of wood but they only had were quarter round strips, which i wasn't if they'd fit or not.
i stopped in belmont. i opened the door to the balmy sun room and used a fan to blow all that hot air into the rest of the house. i harvested all the vegetables from the raised beds (japanese eggplants, hot peppers, a few tomatoes). i stalked the snapped dahlia, even though probably soon i'll need to dig up the tubers for overwintering. i planted 2 dozen crocus bulbs, interspersed in the new perennial bed amongst the columbines, hydrangea, and peonies. before i left for the cafe, my sister called me to warn me of a detour: apparently another car has crashed and ended up flipping upside down, blocking the road. the exact same thing happened last friday. it's either a freak coincidence or there's definitely something wrong with the way the road is laid out.
wood molding was easier to cut than plastic molding, but i was still unsure how to correctly use the miter box as it didn't come with instructions (i could've looked it up online but didn't think of it at the time). the first few attempts i had a really hard time cutting the molding. i was taking 15-20 minutes per molding piece. i also measured wrong and ended up cutting a shorter piece of molding than intended. after a while though i finally got the hang of it, and intuitively figured out the best and easiest way to cut the molding pieces. however, i noticed that the cuts were slightly crooked so when i fit the pieces together, there were small gaps at the corners. i will fix it eventually either by sanding or filling. i also realized i didn't buy enough molding, and will need to go back tomorrow and half another 5ft worth (hopefully it's still where i left it on the cutting table).
i went home around 4pm. i gave my sister a ride to harvard square because she was going into boston. i went to star market to pick up a bag of salad mix and some jazz apples ($1.99/lbs). surfing the web on my laptop lounging on the couch, i nearly fell asleep. i contacted john to confirm we're a go for the gunk this weekend. my father sent me a voice message via wechat, told me that my mother found her iphone after all, put it in her luggage.
for dinner i had a salad first before heating up some formerly frozen beef broth and boiling some chinese noodles. i ate while watching game 4 of the ALCS between the red sox and the astros. as of now i don't know who will win, but boston is a good position with the score at 8-6 going into the final inning. a very long game, more than 5+ hours.