didn't leave the house today, the rain had mostly to do with it. the production was only 12.07kWh, the third lowest amount this month. not feeling like salad again, i heated up a spicy jamaican beef patty for dinner, it was okay, nothing memorable. i also discovered 2 old pomegranates in the fridge, cracked them open to eat. i finally finished watching the first episode of season 2 of legion. its quirky weirdness is like a blend of twin peaks with a wes anderson movie. i'm not sure i like it, i have no idea what's going on, but i'll continue to watch.
i ordered a few things off of amazon tonight: a gallon of evaporust rust remover ($19.06), 4-pack neewer 35W 5500K CFL light bulbs (for my DIY lowel ego light) ($14.99), and 4 set of corelle livingware 12oz. bowls ($14.99).