i left the house just once to bike down to market basket to get some groceries. i ended up making a quiche for dinner, washed down with some mango lassi. andrew's mother judy called me earlier but i didn't get her message: she was wondering if she could stop by and have me help her transfer her files from her iphones. when i spoke with her last week, she didn't remember one of her icloud password. later she called me back to cancel, said she couldn't come out today.
last night i finished children of time by adrian tchaikovsky, such a great hard scifi novel. i'm actually working on several books at the moment. i'm nearly finished with andy weir's artemis but i didn't find it as good as the martian. oathbringer is on my reserve list, i've already finished the previous two books of the stormlight archive. i'm normally not a fan of fantasy, but the story has a very epic scope, and i'm just waiting to find the time to get started on this one. i also have grant by ron chernow. i read washington and found it very dry and can hardly remember anything from that book except that washington was really into land surveying. i'll probably never get to grant, or if i do it'll be on the very bottom of my reading list. i have a copy of fire and fury which i read occasionally if i want a good laugh.
the book that i started midway while still reading children of time was the power by naomi alderman. i heard it was the reverse handmaid's tale. president obama even said it was one of the best books of 2017. i got as far as 45% in a few days before switching back to children of time.
my latest book obsession is library at mount char by scott hawkins which i just got today. i knew nothing about the book except that someone said it was very good, which was all the encouragement i needed. i also read that it was like fantasy novel, but veered towards scifi near the end. i tried not to read anything about the book so i can be surprised. so far i'm read 38% just today. it's hard to explain the plot, as there are elements of magic and demons , and there's also a strong element of mystery as i still don't know who these main characters are. a group of adopted children all grown with different magical abilities searching for their father who may or may not be the devil incarnate. it's actually a bit funny in an absurd black humor sort of way, reminds of me good omens (which i read back in high school in the early 90's, cynthia freeman borrowed my copy after hearing me talk about it in a book report).