when i arrived at my parents' place my father was out on the front lawn with the mower tipped on its side, trying to remove the protective skirt from behind the mower as it'd already been chewed up when it got trapped in the blade. my mother made me a bowl of chicken noodles for lunch. after my father finished mowing, he showed me the german zwilling nail clipper my godmother's visiting friend gave them. what's cool about it is the clipping head can rotate, so you can easily manicure some awkward angles. i know zwilling j.a. henckels from their kitchen knives. i gave the clippers a try and they cut nails like butter, so smooth.
the first time i went on a boston midnight ride was august 2011. that was a great experience and we had a huge crowd of people. i went again the year after that, this time with pau; that too was a great ride. the third and last time i went was 2015, and i was able to show off my disco fuji. there was another ride tonight, but i wasn't sure if i wanted to go as i was tired. but i figured why not, the weather's nice, and it was good exercise while touring boston in the process.
temperature was in the lower 70's with a balmy breeze. i left at 11:12pm, wearing a navy polo shirt and shorts. i thought about taking a jacket but i figured i'd be warm from all the riding. i'd been charging my batteries the past 2 days so all my lights were on maximum shine. i arrived at copley 19 minutes later. the group this year seemed much smaller, around 80 people, about half of what it used to be. i think part of it has to do with the monthly boston bike party that may be leeching off the millennial riders. i didn't know anybody here.
we didn't leave copley square until 12:10am. i bought a frozen bottle of water that i took a sip, repulsed by the salty taste. i must not have washed the plastic bottle well enough when i filled it up last. i poured out some cold water onto a tissue and wiped down the contaminated lip, which fixed the problem. there were a few kids riding BMX bikes without helmets or lights, showing off with wheelie tricks. i didn't see anyone who might be their parents or chaperones, their presence made me a bit nervous (worried about their safety).
we ended up hitting the usual spots: christian science plaza (reflection pool cordoned off undergoing renovations, just like the trinity church), passing by symphony hall, then through brookline, through allston-brighton, to cambridge. we stopped at the MFA which was new, but i was just there more than a week ago. i rode in front section of the convoy. with so many bikes crowding together, it was hard to do any real sightseeing, though much of the sights i've seen before. in the dark, i was more focused on following the riders ahead of me and not crashing into anyone. i didn't speak with anybody, just focused on my riding.
we didn't hit a lot of boston spots before arriving in cambridge by 1:30am. my watch had died unexpectedly, so for the longest time i thought it was still 12:20am. we made a big loop through harvard square to stop in harvard yard. while the group continued onwards (what i'm guessing is lechmere and then back into boston via the pedestrian overpass), i took a detour on oxford street to go home. i had enough excitement for one night. the ride tally count for today (including the trip to belmont and back) was 16.8 miles. i was expecting to see some weight loss when i weighed myself before my shower, but saw there was no change (148 lbs.). i'd put on some weight just within the past few days, with my homemade risotto, lobster roll, then two bowls of chicken noodles.