
i've been to tufts dental school before, 5 years ago when i answered an ad looking for people with bad teeth for graduating dentistry students. qualified candidates receive free dental work. unfortunately my teeth weren't bad enough so i left empty-handed.

i'll be happy when GC is gone. there are things about him i like, how he's a good conversationalist, how he's game for any activity i suggest. but he has some annoying habits. like waking up late. this morning i got up at 9am and hurriedly used the bathroom, thinking he might want to use it. he didn't get out of bed until after 9:30am, then stayed in the bathroom for half an hour, reading his kindle. afterwards he spent 20 minutes eating breakfast, where i could hear him loudly chewing his food. last night he made fish again, which we managed to neutralize most of the smell with a window fan. he has a habit of whistling when he's in the kitchen, which for some reason i find very annoying. though he's good at cleaning the dishes, he leaves all his cooking ingredients out on the counter (his salt, his cooking wine). he doesn't wash his drinking glass, which is just caked in stains. and don't get my started about the stove top, which isn't splattered with grease, but the aluminum foil i use to protect the range are all scorched black because of the way he cooks and how he lets the hot water dribble out of the pots out onto the stovetop. he keeps leaving the dish sponge on the counter on top of the drying towel. when he walks around the house he stomps. urinates with the door open. occasionally walks the house in just his underwear. if he didn't have these annoying habits he'd be an ideal roommate. but as it stands now, i'm looking forward to seeing him go on thursday.