at first i thought nobody was home when i woke up at 9am. but karen's bedroom door was closed, so i wasn't so sure. finally by 10:30am jenny emerged from the bedroom to use the bathroom, only to go back to sleep. jenny eventually did wake up, showered, went to the supermarket, and made herself some lunch. she finally left for boston by 1pm. i gave her some pointers as to where to go. i also let her borrow my portable battery in case she lost power on her phone. i could've gone with her, but i had my own errands to run, and i figured she might have some fun exploring the city on her own.
this morning i learned about the death of roger moore. out of all the actors who played james bond, i like his the best, as his 007 was the one i grew up with. having never read the novels, i didn't realize the actual james bond is supposed to be a stocky man, more like sean connery or daniel craig. besides playing the famous spy, the other thing i know roger moore for is his english narration of the forbidden city audio tour. i've personally never heard it before (and surprised there's no full bootleg of it online), but it's something i always remember. as a side note, the worst james bond is timothy dalton. so bad in fact i failed to remember him when i was compiling a mental list of bond actors.
after deciding what i was going to make for lunch and dinner the rest of the week (chicken caesar salad and grilled ham and cheese sandwich), i biked to market basket to pick up some groceries. after returning home, i went to star market to pick up some more cherries. finally, i biked down to michael's to pick up a skein of caron cakes yarn for my mother. i went to the cafe to drop off the yarn and the cherries, along with a bag of bean sprouts. my 2nd aunt came out to the back while my mother was washing the cherries to complain about the bean sprouts, not taking into consideration that i went out of my way to get it. then it was my mother's turn to complain, she said the cherries were unusually greasy for some reason. i told her it was because of the bowl she was using, but she said i bought some defective cherries and tried to get rid of the oily feel by washing it with baking soda (it didn't help, and made the cherries taste slightly funny).
i returned home soon afterwards. while fumbling for my phone to catch some pokemon critters, i noticed some whatsapp messages from paula. karen told me paula was getting married on thursday and to expect an e-mail. i thought it was an invitation to the wedding. the truth was i was invited, but she wanted me to be the photographer. i was annoyed at first, because i was being asked to work for free for somebody i didn't really know that well. but the wedding was just a paper wedding at cambridge city hall, and as i've never been there for a wedding, i was curious to see what it was about. so i wrote her back and agreed to do it.
i took advantage of the fact that nobody was home by finishing watching episodes 3 and 4 of the new twin peaks series on the showtime streaming roku channel (my parents get free showtime through their verizon FIOS). i don't know how i feel about the new series. it's definitely interesting and weird and mysterious, but i don't know if i'd say it's good. i watch it because i watched the original series and i'm a david lynch fan, but so far through 4 episodes, i barely know what's going on still. and the cameos! the series has a cast of over 200+ actors, and it's fun to see relatively famous actors playing tiny parts in the series.
for dinner originally i was going to make a chicken caesar salad, but i had some old ingredients in the fridge that needed to be used before they go bad. i had a package of fresh cheese and spinach tortellini that was best used by 5/5, and a bunch of asparagus i got almost 2 weeks ago. i sauteed the asparagus in a large pan on the stove, but it ended up creating a lot of smoke in the kitchen and later when i walked around the floors felt a little oily. despite all that effort, the asparagus weren't that delicious, i think i'm finally over my asparagus obsession.
karen and jenny didn't get back until 11:30pm. all they went was the top-of-the-hub for drinks, and didn't even go out for dinner afterwards (jenny ate a hotdog before they met at 7pm). i asked karen what their plans were for tomorrow. they're leaving around 10am, visiting the wardmap gift shop first on mass avenue, before going to the clinic for some sort of diabetes exposition. jenny's flight is at 4:45pm but they will leave directly from boston. jenny showed me some of the photos she took today. an LGBT sign in front of a church, which one would never see in mexico as they're predominantly roman catholic. some cut tulips sitting on a cafe table, which was special for her because tulips are very expensive back home, and here they're everywhere.