
it was another day of rain to end the month of november, but the bulk of it wouldn't arrive until the afternoon, so i had some stable weather to run errands. i biked to market basket to pick up a few things, including some items for my parents (milk, eggs). i bumped into michael with his son, he told me the reason why he hasn't contacted me recently was because his computer was working fine. riding back home, it started to rain a little bit. i walked to star market to pick up a few more things, including a few boxes of linguine noodles i forgot to buy earlier, a box of twinkies ($3, for my grand uncle, they didn't have them at MB), and a box of bengal spice tea ($3).

i rode to the cafe to drop off the supplies and to help my father sign up for a food server health certification class next week. they were both busy cleaning the cafe in preparation for the health inspector visit next week as well. i also painted over some scuff marks (with elephant gray) on the wall behind a high chair my mother usually sits at (this was something she asked me to do a while back).

i left with a burger king breakfast sandwich my mother had purchased this morning when she and my 2nd aunt were taking their morning stroll around fresh pond. i got home by 2pm, where i could finally have some lunch and unwind. in 2 more hours was sunset and rest of the daylight hours.

i finally watched all the president's men (1976) for the very first time, the film about the watergate investigation. i feel like it's a timely movie because i expect there will be plenty of corruption (or overall incompetence) during the trump administration, and it will be journalists like woodward and bernstein whom will bring down the presidency. it's also interesting seeing how investigations were done 40 years ago.

for dinner i heated up a frozen burrito, and accidentally burned the roof of my mouth. freddy had a final piece of steak thawing in the sink, his last meal in america. i was expecting him to be home early, but he didn't come home until 10:30p. i figured maybe on his last day he went out for a farewell dinner with his coworkers, but he told me he was just in at the clinic shadowing a doctor. he didn't even have dinner yet, and i already put the steak in the fridge, figuring he wasn't going to eat it. the rest of the evening he cooked his steak for dinner and did a load of laundry. the dryer was finally done by 12:30am.