i woke up at 7am for my 8am dentist appointment in allston with doctor huang. i left the house by 7:30am and arrived with minutes to spare. i gave myself some time to calm down before heading upstairs. i thought it'd be just a consultation, but after taking a look, doctor huang started working. "what will you be doing?" i asked him as he shot me up with novocaine. i thought there was no way to save the tooth and the only recourse was a crown, with or without a root canal. but he told me he could patch it up, so i trusted his judgement and sat back to enjoy the dental ride.
it's always a little strange getting dental work; i can't see what's happening but i can feel it. and from what i was feeling it seemed like he cupped my molar into a mold and filled it with several layers of light cure resin composite. i'd never experienced that before, he was shining a little blue light into my mouth. after an hour he was done. the charge? $152. i'm not even sure how he came up with that number. better than the $1250 crown without root canal that doctor guan wanted to charge me. it will be a dark day in dentistry when and if doctor huang retires. i didn't tell doctor huang that i went to go see another dentist, but i wonder if thought it was strange that my teeth were so clean (since i had a cleaning last week). i asked him if i needed to invest in a waterpik, he said i could just use a softpick and gave me a sample packet before i left.
today i made it to level 7.
i finally broke and ordered a raspberry pi online. it was $57 on sale (normally $68), and included the newest iteration of the pi (3 model b 2016, cheapest which sells for $36 standalone). packaged by vilros, it also came with a clear plastic case (typically $6, $7 with heat sinks), a 32GB microSDHC memory card (typically $12), a pair of miniature heat sinks, an HDMI cable, and a 2.5A power supply (typically $8-10). the only thing i didn't need was the HDMI cable (i have a bunch already). i actually only paid $28 because i had some amazon points i managed to use up.