
today i went back to nanping (having gone yesterday with sunmeng and mutually deciding that it just wasn't that great in terms of shopping and eating) after having discovered last night that there's a xi'an restaurant there where i can get yangrou paomo (羊肉泡馍). afterwards i made an impromptu stop at the tongyuanju station after noticing it was a great spot to take photos because of the aerial rotaries and pedestrian walkways. finally i went to eling park, one of the 2 spots in yuzhong noted for great views of the chongqing skyline. because i had such a big lunch, i skipped dinner, instead buying some dongbei bing in case i got hungry later in the evening.

i started downloading the latest episode of game of throne as soon as i got back to the hotel, monday late afternoon china time, early monday morning US time. unfortunately with my shared hotel wifi, i wasn't able to get the entire episode yet (it also didn't help that i went with the higher resolution 720p version, which takes 4x as time as the smaller version). i will have to continue downloading the episode tomorrow morning. i might try and see if i can stream HBO via VPN though.

the water was lukewarm when i returned to the hotel, and by evening it there simply no hot water. curious but also just to confirm my suspicions, i went downstairs to ask them about the hot water. it's a known issue, the girl told me they had people currently working on it. but it's now a bit after midnight and i'm about to go to bed and there's still no hot water. fortunately i showered earlier when there was still lukewarm water, but i didn't wash my hair, which will have to wait until morning, when the hot water is hopefully fixed. it's nothing like when i lived in changshou though, when we experienced frequent intermittent water stoppage, and even electricity outages a few times as well.