Curabitur ornare pulvinar odio, in faucibus mi facilisis non. Fusce semper nisi non nisl sagittis, nec suscipit felis facilisis. Cras suscipit enim leo, quis aliquam orci lacinia sodales. Praesent dapibus, tellus vel posuere viverra, nulla odio laoreet arcu, quis suscipit augue nunc nec orci. Aliquam mi risus, posuere a pharetra eget, venenatis ut ante. Fusce a egestas turpis, quis dignissim mauris. Vestibulum in laoreet velit, quis molestie erat.
that was quick: it took less than 3 days for my replacement v-brakes to arrive, all thanks to USPS's holiday sunday delivery. when i left the house today i saw the package waiting for me on my doorstep. i also bought a 2 oz. bottle of tri-flow oil. these new shimano brakes look pretty solid, hopefully they'll last longer than the brakes i had before (which i only replaced 1.5 years ago).