my sister called verizon to get my cellphone switched back to my found LG phone. it seems such a hassle, it'd be much easier if it was simply a SIM card i could swap to a different phone.
tang tang's friend returned home in the early evening after my father came back from the cafe. we had dinner before my sister left to go home, taking the dog with her. i left soon afterwards myself, riding my bike on a relatively warm 40's night. i put the bike in the basement when i got home, in anticipation for the rainstorm we're expected to get early tomorrow morning.
sometimes at nights i get this overwhelming urge to go online and buy something. tonight i put in a bid on ebay for an indian arrowhead. i've always wanted to own an authentic native american artifact, and this was my chance. unfortunately i got outbid by somebody else in the final second (the winning bid was $10.25).