
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dignissim massa quis lorem tincidunt consectetur. Sed erat arcu, luctus in vulputate ut, mollis vitae urna. Nulla facilisi. Sed vitae vehicula mi, nec tristique odio. Aenean elementum congue ex, ut faucibus nisl fermentum id. Donec et eros sed orci lobortis gravida nec quis nisl. Aliquam venenatis pharetra auctor.

my bathroom faucet is leaking so i took it apart to try and fix it. usually this means the washer is bad, but i just replaced the washer back in 2011, so it shouldn't need a replacement so soon. it's also a vintage faucet, and the german-imported washers cost about $7 a piece. given that i can buy a whole new faucet set for $20-30, it may not be worth it trying to fix it. the one piece of equipment i need but don't have is a basin wrench, for releasing the faucet apparatus from the sink. but the basin nut in question has some corrosion issues, and might be difficult to remove even with the proper tool. regardless, once i pulled out the cartridge (from the cold water knob because it was a cold leak), i inspected it. the washer didn't seem all that bad, not completely vulcanized like the last time. there was a lot deposits though, which i scraped away with an awl. i reassembled the cartridge and put it back onto the faucet assembly. no luck, still dripping. i took it out and put it back again, but it was still leaking. now i have to think about whether to try and fix the faucet or simply get a new one.