* finally cleaned the coffee table
* very warm and slightly humid today, actually went out in a t-shirt

* i found out yesterday when i went to my sister’s to install the new wireless router, hailey was actually in her room but hiding in the closet because she was afraid we were taking her to belmont
* went to comcast to try and change cable package to add more channels; bottom line, leaving package means very expensive
* also discovered that comcast is actually charging me US$8/month cablemodem rental fee
* went onto craig’s list fishing for a new cable modem and faster (wireless N) router; saw a seller in brookline ($20/$20 modem/router) but already sold the router and the modem is an older model, trying to find one that’s newer and faster
* put bicycle in the basement

* lasagna for dinner (only 250 calories? maybe per serving) cider beer is 220 calories (originally i wanted to get wings for dinner)
* new technique with new flash: taking flash photo with the LED fill light on, means better quality images
* trash night
* flashed linksys modem with dd-wrt firmware, success; not very hard, but so many precautions online about possibly bricking the router, so i was very careful (30-30-30-reset, download all the files, open all the info webpages) - dd-wrt allows repeating (linksys original firmware no repeater option - not that i saw at least)