after another futile attempt to do laundry, i suddenly felt very dizzy. this is the equivalent of the "check engine" light in a car, and likewise, it's similarly vague and unhelpful as to the cause. it couldn't be because i was hungry, because i ate a lot last night in shilin. i remembered to take my HBP medication, so that wasn't it yet. as it was still morning, it wasn't particularly hot, and anyway, i've since grown used to the temperature. could it be dehydration? whatever it was, it left me a little distressed. the world was still swirling a bit as i started walking home, but cleared up afterwards.
i wondered how the gugong museum workers there felt about all these chinese tours. they've probably been told to keep their mouths shut or risk losing their jobs. hate them or love them, these tour groups must provide a wealth of money for the museum. i wonder if their recent renovations was fueled by this money? because i don't recognize the place at all. outside, it kind of brings back some memories, but inside they've completely gutted the place.