I'm using gesture typing which is pretty effective and has a nearly 100% accuracy. I'm sitting by one of their power up banks, which has a bunch of different outlets for charging including a few USB ports.
All the people waiting at this gate look like they're going to Detroit. I see a fee Asians, I wonder if they're going to Taiwan? I'm still not sure why I have a 4+ hours layover in Detroit. I could've taken a later flight there (unless there wasn't one available). I just have to remember to get something to eat at some point while I'm there. Doing a long distance travel across the dateline, my sense of time can get screwed up.
8:06am free Wi-Fi lasts for only 30 minutes. After that, you need to watch another commercial to get free Wi-Fi again. I don't even remember what I watched, some NBC talent show hosted by Nick Lahey.
This Detroit flight is actually continuing to Seoul Korea, so maybe some of the Asians in seeing are actually Koreans.