so much for single living: pau finally got in touch with me this afternoon, asking if he could move in this evening. he talked to his current roommate and managed to get out of the sublet with half the money he already paid. he showed up around 7:30 with a duffle bag suitcase full of clothes. he went out for another trip and returned with his food supplies. he'll be staying here for the next 11 days, which is like a week plus change. i don't mind at all since he's one of my better roommates.
i asked him about his bicycle, which turned out to be a long story. the rear wheel of the ross road bike he'd been riding jammmed into the brakes so it doesn't turn anymore. fortunately he found a spare bike in the basement, which was actually the trek he rode for the 3 months that he was here 2 years ago. he only had the rediscovered bike for a day, unlocked in his backyard, when it was stolen this morning. i told him i could let him borrow one of my many bikes in the basement but he said since he's only here for a short time anyway, he'd just simply walk to work instead.
i made enough chicken caesar salad for dinner that i managed to share half with pau. i managed to slice a knuckle while chopping up lettuce in the sink, which i later covered up with a bandaid so i wouldn't bleed all over the salad. we ate in the living room, watching the olympics coverage, and chatting. the reason why he wanted to leave his previous apartment was because he didn't like his spanish postdoc roommate: overly preoccupied with money as well as cheating on his current girlfriend.
not much else happened today. i left the house just once to get some groceries. i'm trying a different brand of granola along with some authentic greek yogurt. for lunch i made some chicken sausage oatmeal. i made a smoothie using the overripen pluots along with some frozen fruits and juice. it was a bit tart but wasn't bad.