despite the nice weather, i opted to do more coding work for client N, figuring the more i get done now, the more time i'll have to pursue my leisure activities later. i finally figured out how to do a sliding graphic text effect with director lingo. the secret was in fact redrawing the alpha mask so as to gradually reveal the graphic. unfortunately it's very slow for some strange reason, until i realized that was because the large background was updating on every frame refresh. after i disabled the background, the sliding effect worked beautifully.
in between coding i caught up on some downloaded shows and movies (i never said i was all work). i found a few episodes of look, a short-lived 2010 series that ran late on showtime. the fact that it aired at midnight is probably a clue to its content. it basically voyeuristically follows the lives of several characters through things like surveillance cameras, phone calls, and text messages. i watched it for ali cobrin, after seeing her in the most recent american pie sequel. i also watched inside job, the 2010 documentary about the financial meltdown. that film has been on my radar for a long time, but i kept avoiding seeing it because i knew it'd make me angry. it's an important documentary and should be required viewing by all americans to get a better idea of what the financial crisis is all about.
LJ came home relatively late, around 7:30. after she finished making and eating dinner (boiling some celery and pork and corn), she went to bed by 9:00. not a bad idea, i might go to sleep early as well, catch up on some reading.