will my roommate finally go to work this week? only time will tell. she left the house around 1:00, tracking mud throughout the house from her dirty boots. i took this as a pretense to vacuum the house including her room. she ignored my warning about thieves and had her window wide open again.
she came home around 4:00 and asked me if i could show how to score some cheap furniture on craig's list, since her new apartment comes unfurnished. in the freebie section i found an ad for a free twin mattress on the curb in union square. i asked if she wanted to go check it out so we took a walk. temperature today wasn't too bad, around 44°F.
along the way we spotted a red-tailed hawk, some mourning doves, and a few glass insulators up on utility poles. the mattress was supposed to be on columbus avenue but when we arrived it was already gone. since we were already there, i took my roommate to the summit of prospect hill to get a nice view of boston/somerville/cambridge.
prospect hill was surprisingly crowded. as we ascended the steps to the tower, we saw two suspicious-looking cyclists hanging out in the shadows. on the walls sat an embracing couple. down below on the grassy slope was a girl in headphones sitting by herself waiting for the sun to set. and a chinese man with a small camera kept running around the hill taking photos. "did you smell that when we came up?" i asked my roommate. "those 2 bikers were smoking pot," i told her.
i played a bit of skyrim before dinner. i finished a single quest, retrieving grimsever (a sword) from the depths of mzinchaleft, coming face to face with falmers (blind snow elves) for the very first time. returning to riften, i gave balimund the blacksmith his 10 fire salts (and got 1000 gold pieces as a reward). i finally purchased honeyside, a house in riften, from anuriel the steward. unfortunately there's a bug in the game where i can't complete this particular quest to become a thane of riften, but there appears to be a console hack which i'm going to try.
for breakfast i had some corn pops. for a late lunch i finished some leftover buffalo wings. i must've had too much blue cheese sauce because my stomach was grumbling the whole time i was out with my roommate. finally for dinner i tried to finish the last of my lasagna square but only managed to eat half. it's good to know when to say when.
for the 2 weeks leading up to the superbowl i watched hours and hours of sports shows. today, i couldn't keep far enough away. even watching the news was painful, being reminded of what happened last night. i've already put it all far behind me because the game feels like so long ago now.