the only thing is my father and i will have to go pick up the appliance from sears when it arrives (in a few days), and we'll have to first bring down the old refrigerator before carrying up the new one. there will be some heavy lifting by midweek. i can look forward to some lower back pains (i always lift wrong).
i visited a few crafts store in the afternoon. i got some starbella yarn (2/$9) from ac moore, which seems to carry it exclusively. it's a special kind of yarn where the strands are actually coils of netting which makes for an interesting scarf. at michael's i got a skein of cozy wool yarn in merlot using a 50%-off-one-item coupon. cozy wool is a brand of loops & threads yarn, which is the michael's store brand. it's almost identical to lion brand's wool-ease yarn, except cozy wool is 50% wool (while the wool-ease is only 20%).
on a whim i to went to the nearby home depot. they were still out of 60w equivalent light bulbs. i browsed the holiday lights section and bought a pair of manual timers ($5). while looking for solar-powered LED string lights, a woman wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt over ample bosoms caught my attention. a moment later it dawned on me who it was: WHDH news 7 anchorwoman kim khazei! i peeked at her again through the aisle to confirm my suspicion. she wasn't wearing any make-up so her face was very pale and hard to recognize from her on-air persona. on tv she looks much younger, but in real life she looks older, like a woman in her late 40's or early 50's1. i guess television celebrities are just like us, they need to get holiday lights as well! i also bought a pair of faucet muffs ($2/each) to keep them from freezing over the winter.
i went to the cafe to drop off the yarn for my mother before returning home. the temperature was almost in the 70's and i almost wanted to just take off my jacket and ride around in my t-shirt.
for lunch i had a simple ham and cheese sandwich with a mug of ginger tea. for dinner the rest of my frozen tortellini with tomato sauce. there's still 2 more servings of pulled pork in the fridge but i just couldn't eat anymore of the stuff.
i've been wanting to do it over the thanksgiving weekend but i finally got around to putting up some holiday lights in my windows. previously they'd been living in my closet attached to a timer, a private light show every night. i didn't realize i had 2 strands of multi-colored led lights. i put one on the window in the living room and one on the french door facing the porch. it seems like i'm the only person so far on my street who's put up lights and i don't even celebrate christmas!
i finally went ahead and ordered a planet bike superflash stealth rear tail light ($16.30) after the price dropped a day ago. a search on camelcamelcamel.com showed that it's the lowest price on this light within the past year (less than 2 weeks ago it was selling at $25). i've been eyeballing it for a while now but could never get myself to buy it since i already have a few tail lights already. the one i'm using now is from dealextreme but it looks to be discontinued. it works okay and i've even dropped it a few times and it still keeps on ticking. a few weeks ago, on a rather chilly night, i did notice the lights were kind of dim. that may just be because of the batteries. but i've always heard such great things about the superflash, and every once in a while i ride behind somebody who has a blinding tail light, and i wonder if it's the superflash in action. i guess i'll find out for myself in a few days.
1 after a lengthy internet search, i found out kim khazei is actually 51 years old. that's kind of surprising, because i always thought she was much younger.