for the most part it was only my mother who was at home. while i was there, she could do her knitting research and get me to help her print out the patterns. i accidentally left my cellphone at home, but i couldn't be sure, and kept going around the house trying to look for it (it was back at my place). in the late afternoon i went with my mother to ben franklin to look for some wool-bamboo blend yarn.
my sister was still out doing nanny duty so dinner was just with my parents. after feeding hailey she'd pester me non-stop for a dog treat, growling by the dining table, lying down when everyone ignored her, getting back up when she sensed an opening.
marco was already home when i got back. he went to star market to get some groceries and then went back out again to city sports (porter square) to buy a pair of running shoes. he made some pasta for dinner (10:00) and said he'd start his running regimen beginning tomorrow.
i watched the first episode of terra nova. i'm not as crazy for dinosaurs as some people, but the show was interesting nonetheless. the idea of starting a colony in a new world harkens back to early american history days; just instead of indians there are tyrannosaurus rex and raptors. i might stick around and watch a few more episodes to see where it goes.