i spent the whole day cleaning: rearranging the medicine cabinet; clean out the guest bedroom closet;
tidy up the hallway closet; empty the cupboards; reorganize the fridge; throw out anything that'd expired; and finally change the water in the aquariums. that took the longest. it'd only been a month since the last water change but it looked like it'd been longer. i cleaned out the filters (which i didn't last time), repacking some fresh activated carbon. the key to controlling algae growth is frequent water changes; even though i know this, i still never follow the advice.
i was in a baking sort of mood and whipped up some more zucchini bread with the leftover large zucchini half still in the fridge. i shredded it in the food processor and ended up with 5 cups of zucchini, way more than i needed. i followed the same recipe as before, this time adding some raisins.
the final result was okay, a little too sweet for my taste. i had two zucchini bread bundt cake muffins as a late lunch. for breakfast i had af few slices of pound cake washed down with a smoothie. later for dinner i finished the remainder of my tuna fish sandwich.
it's my last night of roommate-free living! marco is due to arrive tomorrow afternoon. all i have left to do is vacuum the floors and that should be it for clean up.