that was pretty much the morning headline when i checked the news. i got that white knuckle sensation of overwhelming dread. it was 2008 all over again. i turned on the television and found out brady himself didn't seem to suffer any injuries, but a passenger in the car he hit had to be removed from the vehicle with the jaws of life and was in serious condition. more details started to come in. apparently the other car ran a red light, so brady wasn't at fault. nevertheless, not the best way to start the season with the first game in 3 days and the possibility of having killed somebody in a car accident.
looking out the window, i was surprised to see my old painter cleber. i saw him setting up his ladders with a new partner, getting ready to paint jen and franz's house.
my basic job at client P was to check over the assets before they resend the interactives, essentially some light hand-holding. the woman who's in charge of the accounts asked me if i sent her an invoice yet. yeah, almost 2 months ago. apparently whomever i sent it to back in july never bothered to give it to her. it doesn't surprise me yet it makes me angry. i've been waiting for this money for weeks now, and they never even processed the paperwork. i think she also said something that was vaguely alarming, "we'll write you a check on our next project." what does that mean? basically i worked on this project for free is what it sounds like. not only did i program it all, but i also did the user interface design and all the graphics. the lesson learned here is to get paid upfront next time. it's not fun getting screwed.
i dropped by the cafe on my way back. the new wireless keyboard and mouse had arrived, and i picked up some tea eggs for lunch. my parents asked for more wire episodes, since their chinese streaming video site only carried a total of 8 episodes.
when i finally came back home around noontime, i got a chance to say hi to cleber. if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have this painting gig! although from the sound of it, he's had a busy season. he and frederico were prepping the house, removing the damaged wood (there seemed to be a lot, a whole edge of the house seemed to have rotted).
i began taking my lisinopril today. no side effects yet, but my blood pressure remains high, at least 130/90 (if not higher) from measurements taken throughout the day. my pulse is around 60, which is normal considering i'm just lounging around the house. i already know this "experiment" will end in failure, i'm just gathering evidence to prove to the doctor how inept his recommended treatment was.
my replacement front motorcycle fender arrived in the early evening. it came in a long cardboard box with the words "genuine honda parts" on the outside. being new, the fender is in absolutely pristine condition, nothing but shiny pearly white goodness. it reminds me of a futuristic jai alai cesta. i'll install it tomorrow morning.
for dinner i finally made my spaghetti with meat sauce. the difference this time around was i had some spare celery that i chopped up and added to the sauce, and i also used a few cloves of julie's garden grown garlic as well as 2 cups worth of chopped basil leaves from my own garden. instead of boiling the pasta water in a pot, i boiled the water first with my electric kettle to dramatically speed up the process. definitely a hearty dinner, but it made me feel bloated and gassy afterwards (in a good "i can't either another bite" kind of way though).
i actually had some conversation with my roommate tonight, different from most recent nights when i hardly even see her once she returns from work. she's suddenly turned antisocial, which in terms of undesirable roommate traits can actually be a blessing in disguise. she asked me about concord, and whether or not it was "home to sauron." sauron? i repeated back. she meant thoreau. on her last weekend here in town, she wanted to make a pilgrimage to the home of american enlightenment as well as the cradle of the revolution. it wouldn't be too difficult for me to borrow my parents' car and drive her there, but i managed to resist volunteering my services. maybe if she'd been friendlier to me this week, i would've been more generous! i'm also hesitant about letting her know of the cambridge carnival celebration this sunday. i'm definitely going, but i kind of don't want to babysit anybody while i'm there.
i watched the premiere of nikita tonight on the CW. pretty much the only reason to watch is maggie q as the story line itself is kind of meh. earlier i also saw hellcats, CW's answer to bring it on. you'd think i'd totally be into these shows about coed cheerleaders and sexy lady spies, but neither show really did it for me. i must be getting old. maybe if they set the show in the 1960's and had a school teacher who cooked meth for vampires, i could get behind that.