
during the winter i washed my bicycle several times a week, to rinse off all the road salt. since then, i can't remember the last time i washed the bike until today. i also took the opportunity to properly inflate my tires with a floor pump (i just have a hand pump at home).

not much else going on today. i thought of the idea last night, but i shoveled a few inches worth of peat moss into the compost heap in order to control the smells. peat moss doesn't add too much to the compost except aeration; peat moss itself doesn't have much nutrients, and adding it to the compost almost seems counter-productive since the final compost will resemble peat moss. i also shredded some more newspaper for the next time grass clipping is added into the pile.

even though i'm no soccer fan, i watched some world cup coverage anyway, caught up in the hype. in the morning it was south korea versus uruguay. i was rooting for korea, but they lost. in the afternoon it was the united states versus ghana. i had to google ghana just to find out where it was (i knew it was african though). naturally i was rooting for the US, but they lost as well. now that the home team is no longer in contention, i wonder if this will mean a sharp drop in american viewership? soccer to me seems like a game of keep-away punctuated by the rare scoring of a goal. i learned something watching the US-ghana game that i never knew before: the goalie can come out for a special offensive play (+1 player), though leaving the goal unattended. kind of like that rule in hockey when they substitute the goalie for an additional player (which i learned watching the 2010 winter olympics).