today, a day of flash studying. i've got a bit of actionscripting confidence under my belt, but there's still plenty to learn. i'm at a point where i'm excited about the possibilities, and can envision some potential future projects. since flash is web-based for the most part, there's also a lot of interdisciplinary skills to relearn, like DHTML and php.
i came across a pretty good coding book last night, foundation actionscript 3.0 animation (april 2007). it's got just the right level of technicality mixed with explained examples: trigonometry, physics, and collision detection, inverse kiematics and 3D modeling. i guess maybe i like it because it reminds me of my early days as a mechanical engineering student.
otherwise, a quiet day. so uneventful that i didn't even get any mail (still waiting for that overdue check from client N, approaching the 4 month mark). set out my plants, had some chinese pastry for lunch, then rice noodle soup for dinner. the weather was not only cold but grey as well, with threats of rain that never came.