after i biked to belmont this sunday morning, i went with my mother to the burlington mall. it's been a few years since my last visit and i was overwhelmed in the holy temple of american consumerism. you'd never be able to guess the lousy state of the economy seeing the happy faces of shoppers young and old with their respective bags of loot. for the most part we stayed in
sears, where my mother was having a field day stocking up on the
land's end winter clothing sale. i hung out in the tools department, getting updates in the latest craftsmen technology. they sold a large steel-hardened wrench that was nearly a yard long. not even sure what i'd ever use it for but it looks so impressive that i want one to carry around.
back in belmont, my mother gave me a haircut. i did some coding work at my parents' place, and continued working once i biked back to cambridge. it wasn't too much, randomizing video playback sequences. i've got a meeting with client N tomorrow (hope it doesn't begin raining while i'm heading down there), going to install the latest version of the interactive. this project is finally winding down but i don't think i'll get paid until march at the earliest, and i'm already hurting for cash. plus, tax season is right around the corner. the next few months will be interesting to say the least.