
i went to market basket today with a green shaws supermarket tote bag. i know it's probably a grocery shopping faux pas, but i just didn't want to collect anymore plastic bags. i was kind of thirsty so i bought a bottle of the "new" pepsi throwback, which is like regular pepsi but with real sugar instead of corn syrup. i think it's an awful brand name; "throwback" sounds like something unwanted, too similar to "throw up." i took a sip but i couldn't really tell the difference from regular pepsi. it even had that sour soda aftertaste, which is probably due to the phosphoric acid (one of the ingredients).

pontypool (2009) - add it to your netflix queue if you're looking for a seriously scary movie. when it comes to horror films, i've seen it all, so i'm pretty jaded and don't scare easily. so it's a rare movie that can give me the creeps. pontypool is about the crew of a small canadian town morning radio show trapped in their broadcast office during what appears to be a zombie invasion. that premise itself doesn't sound very interesting, but what if what's turning people into zombies is spread through words, and as a radio deejay that talks all day, what's your responsibility to warn citizens about the danger yet not spread the virus even farther by continuing to broadcast live? the movie has a very cronenbergesque quality about it, how characters behave when their perception of reality is upended, and how flesh becomes the conduit between the physical and the imaginary. the zombies aren't even really zombies; they're more like people descending into abject madness, and can strike anyone. the movie stars stephen mchattie as deejay grant mazzy, an obnoxious on-air personality slumming in a small town station. he usually plays villains, so i never noticed he has a great radio voice.

my house actually gets more sun during the winter than i do during the summer. besides the trees that are empty of leaves, the sun is also lower on the horizon which during the afternoon shines into my kitchen and turns the place into a blinding glow of warm pink. at the end of the afternoon i relocated to my bedroom so i could backup some photos. it gave me an excuse to turn on the space heater and keep myself warm for a few hours.

i got this craving for buffalo wings so i bought some drumsticks when i was at the supermarket (i actually like drumsticks more than i do actual wings). i found a recipe online for baked wings. the first step involved a coating of flour mixed with some pepper and salt. into the fridge when the chicken parts for a few hours. then before i baked the drumsticks, i coated them all with a butter and hot sauce mixture (so unhealthy and spicy). i baked for 45 minutes before my chicken was ready. i've baked wings in the past and they never turn out good (always too soggy), and today wasn't any different. i think if i ever crave wings again, it's better just to buy them prepared. baking just doesn't do it justice (some frying has to be involved).