bruce and i went to hamlen woods. a baby garter snake fell on my shoe. we took some back trail and found the secret summit of turkey hill. quite a letdown, there wasn't even a pretty view.
more plants and flowers:
i went to the rescheduled somerville 4th of july fireworks display in between ball square and magoun square. i took the motorcycle and parked at the end of lowell street. i waited for more than an hour in a sea of townies for the light show to begin around 9:00. there was a performance stage with singers but everyone was waiting for the fireworks to get started. once it did, mostly everyone was watching the light show, except for the antsy teenagers meandering around. we were upwind but ever once in a while i could smell the black powder. the fireworks, though spectacular, were a little boring. maybe it's because i already saw the much bigger show on the charles river last week. later, when i came back home, i went and got a whopper at the mcgrath highway burger king.
the olympus E420 digital camera i ordered for my godmother arrived today. she wanted me to check it out to make sure it's working. there are things about it i like and things i hate, but it's a good introductory dSLR camera. the body itself is very small and light, but with a large LCD. the view through the viewfinder is bigger than my rebel XT, but could still be hard to use for manual focusing. there are only 3 focus points, while my XT has 7. i was surprised to find live preview and face detection. i don't like the four-third aspect ratio though.
will write more tomorrow, must sleep now!