
added a tablespoon of instant coffee along with an egg into my oatmeal this morning, the kind my mother used to make. the egg all but disappeared into the mush while the coffee gave everything a slightly bitter aftertaste. i'm still working on perfecting the perfect oatmeal recipe.

received a present from my friend alex today, an LCD photoframe keychain. the instructions are all in japanese but i sometimes forget that i minored in japanese language in college, so i managed to figure out enough of it to make some sense. the included embedded software only works on a pc though so i'll need to try it out in bootcamp.

i had some french bread pizza for dinner. normally i'd use my toaster oven to heated the pizza, but i've noticed it hasn't been working right for a while. it seems to be always hotter than what it's set at, or possibly uneven cooking. at least one time the oven caught on fire and a former roommate once stuffed the oven so full it touched the heating coils above. i tried to measure the actual toaster oven temperature with an oven thermometer but didn't have the patience to wait for it to heat it. instead, i defrosted the pizza in the microwave and quickly baked it in the conventional oven. i had an anjou pear for dessert. i'm on a pear kick this week. i normally don't like pears because of their soft texture (so picky!), but the ones i got seem to be pretty crisp. i was on an apple kick for a while, until i saw that in terms of nutritional fruits, apples rank sort of low.