after bruce came over so i could show him how to feed my fish, i went out briefly to the somerville avenue
rite aid to pick up some travel-size toiletries. today was the warmest it's been all year, with temperature in the 60's. i took the opportunity the open up some windows to air out the house a bit. i also did water changes on both aquariums, dumping the dirty water in the backyard as fertilizer. had some leftover macaroni and cheese for dinner before taking a bath. i love coming out of the tub and seeing the steam rising from my body.
the start of daytime saving time tonight means the biannual tradition of going around the house and changing all the clocks. computers and cellphones can take care of themselves, but things like regular clocks (wall/alarm), appliances, and digital cameras still need to be manually adjusted. i'm not a fan of losing an hour of sleep but hopefully i can get to bed a bit early today.