mother nature has thrown down the gauntlet for this week. now is the calm before the storm that will hit us in the form of bitterly cold temperatures. basically grab your thesaurus and look up "freezing" and apply all those adjectives to the coming days. today was a subzero sort of day but the sun was out so it did manage to melt some snow. how exactly does snow melt anyway? what kind of fancy scientist studies that sort of thing? i'd imagine it'd be pretty boring to watch, like seeing grass grow. and another completely random thought, when was the last time you ate snow? i think the day you stop is the day you cease being a kid. i remember my sister and i would eat snow when we were much younger. we also ate icicles, which in hindsight was probably a gross thing to do because that was all runoff water from the gutters.
i was working hard as soon as i woke up this morning, trying to get as much done before my 2pm meeting with the client in brighton. with 30 minutes to spare i finally stopped to eat some lunch (a pair of tea eggs) and to take a shower. my roommate left for work rather late (noontime) and knocked on my door to asked if i could read a pdf file. i haven't really seen him all this weekend and noticed that he got a haircut (crewcut). he seemed to be especially proud of his new 'do, but told me haircuts in china costs 5 yuan (less than a dollar) so he basically used up his entire haircut budget for the year.
the commute from harvard square via bus was just a few minutes and i timed it so i arrived exactly on time. i didn't think i'd be there long - basically to present some updates - but once again i stayed until dark, taking a crowded rush hour bus back to harvard square. the bus came right when i stepped outside the office, otherwise i would've made another visit to the nearby mcdonald's. i also noted the pretty sunset and thought it'd be cool to roam the city at some point in the near future during the twilight hours to take some dramatic photos. denied my fast food, i went to the greek takeout place instead and got a gyro dinner plate. i pronounced it "gee-ro" instead of my usual "ji-ro" but i don't think those hispanic guys working there really cared.
i wolfed down my dinner as soon as i got home. after a short rest, i opened up my computer and started working again, making one final push to get everything done so all i have to do tomorrow is write some documentation, no more office visits.