today, a mish mash of activities, in no particular order: it was my sister's birthday and somebody got her a cake and i went to the cafe to have a slice; i went to the watertown
home depot to buy another set of micro screwdrivers (garantia de por vida); i put back the screen door;

molly delivered a bunch of testing equipment to my house; my 320GB replacement laptop hard drive arrived but i didn't have time to install it; filled out a few rebate forms (won't see any of that money until 8-10 weeks); i spent hours backing up my macbook pro via time machine; had a goat cheese bacon omelette for lunch (forgot to add spinach though); had a delicious bowl of spaghetti for dinner with the meat sauce my godmother gave me from our thanksgiving dinner; client B called me this morning and i promised them a delivery today but i couldn't get motivated to do any work; bumped into renee while i was taking out the trash, she had an IT friend trying to help her with no luck, i told him i was just going to install a fresh copy of XP, he was worried about the registration/activation, not really a problem when you have a hacked version though.
another busy day tomorrow. hopefully it won't involve any work. now i must focus and bash out some code so i can make a delivery before going to bed.