though technically i was supposed to be working, i figured most of my clients were probably too busy making thanksgiving plans to check up on my progress. i left my place early to take care of hailey. when i arrived in belmont, she jumped on me as soon as i opened the door. after letting her go out in the backyard, she came back inside. working (actually just surfing the web) from the dining room, i heard her chewing on something underneath the table.
to my horror, she was gnawing on the wooden stretcher bar of one of the chairs. it seems like she'd been working on it for a while because the damage was pretty extensive. i just never noticed because there was a coat draped over the chair. besides, she probably did this when nobody was home, and this only happened because my sister and i decided to let her have free range inside the house when no one's home. i sprayed some apple bitter solution on all the legs to prevent her from doing the same to the other chairs. i then spent some time researching wood filling solutions and figuring out a way to repair the damage.
backyard plants that're still alive:
i returned to cambridge when my sister came back home in the early evening. i had just enough time to tidy up the house a bit before julie arrived to make some hot and sour vietnamese noodle soup for dinner. she also bought along some homemade pumpkin bread.