
i headed out to the garden in the afternoon after alternating between watching more olympics coverage or continuing my own personal pursuit of coding excellence. while watering my plants, i kept my eyes opened for hungry mosquitoes who have no qualms about biting through my long-sleeved shirt. i managed to pick two more tomatoes, one red, one yellow. afterwards i went over to my parents' place for dinner. hailey bit another hole in my one of t-shirts. my parents tell me she's never like this, only when i'm around. i don't think it's intentional; she just likes to jump up and often times her sharp teeth will get caught in my shirt. i've since learned to only wear old t-shirts when i visit them. my sister continues to find baby dog teeth on the carpet; while i was there she found two more, or at least the ones hailey didn't swallow while her adult teeth are growing in. in the backyard we played fetch; hailey's good at fetching, she just doesn't want to give up the object (be it ball, bucket, or stick) after she brings it back. i also helped my sister give hailey a bath for the first time. short-haired dogs are so much easier to wash. i managed to weigh hailey on the bathroom scale: she's 40 lbs. now.

after dinner my godmother and her son alex dropped by briefly, bringing over some food, including a package of longans. after watching the women's diving final, i came back home, where i caught a new episode of mad men. with the clock approaching midnight, it's time for me to begin the late shift and hopefully finish this code work i've postponed for a delivery tomorrow morning.