what the hell was i doing back at the hospital this morning? it seems like ever since april i've been at MGH every few weeks, whether it's for an MRI scan or a foot x-ray. today's appointment with my primary care physician was booked months ago. i couldn't even remember what it was for, probably a routine checkup. when i first saw my current doctor after my previous doctor retired a few years ago, there was never any waiting.

i'd show up and get seen right away. but now he seems to have a bigger patient load and i ended up waiting 45 minutes before being called in. the doctors at internal medicine don't seem to have permanent offices; instead i could be assigned to any number of examination rooms. my favorite one is the corner "office" with the window view, which was the one i got today. i flipped through a copy of netter's atlas of human anatomy while waiting for the doctor to knock on the door. when he came in he saw me flipping through that book and told me about his first day of harvard medical school going to his gross anatomy class where they dissect the cadavers. i confessed to him that i had no idea why i was there. my neck doesn't hurt anymore, my sinuses have cleared up, and my broken foot is almost healed up. just to get my money's worth though, i ordered him to take another blood pressure reading (130/90). before i left, i also requested that he should make a note in my records to call me "tony" instead of "chung" next time.
it was raining this morning when i went to the hospital. i wanted to wear my rubber rain boots but i couldn't fit inside of them with my ankle brace. coming back i came directly home after visiting the bank, didn't bother visiting the garden since the rain would take care of the watering.
my grandmother called me today. twice in one year, a new record! her first call earlier this year was she was worried i didn't have a job. her call this time around was she just found out i was in a motorcycle accident. she asked if i was thinking about doing some traveling again and didn't seem to approve the fact i was thinking about using my savings to go abroad.
julie came over in the evening and made some mexican tortilla soup. she arrived with a bunch of bandages, to patch up the poison ivy on her legs from this past weekend. just hearing her talk about it made me started to feel itchy too. i gave her an used tube of topical steroid cream i used when i kept on getting poison ivy on my hands. after watching a new episode of project runway we saw last friday's episode of swingtown via comcast in demand.