
the swelling seemed to have gone done a little bit more today. there's finally some bruising on the outer side of my foot, not sure if that's a good or bad sign, but it's evidence of the healing process at work. i didn't even bother icing it today. i can flex the foot up and down without pain, but it hurts when i wag it from side to side. i can even press down on top of the foot and not feel any pain, so i don't think anything is broken. i'm still hobbling though and try not to walk too much. nevertheless, i sort of took everyone's advice and decided to make an appointment to see my doctor anyway, for precautionary reasons. hate to have some real broken bones healing in some weird way. the receptionist told me the first available slot would be 2 weeks away, until i told her i was in a motorcycle accident a few days ago and wanted to make sure nothing was broken. she got my info and later during the day one of the nurses called me back. after i told her what happened, she got me an appointment for tomorrow morning. playing the vehicular injury card!

today harvard university had its graduation ceremony. residents of cambridge (like myself) know that on this day you do not go down to harvard square unless you want to get trapped in a sea of people. j.k. rowling was the commencement speaker. is there anyone harvard can't get to speak at their graduation?

i made some chicken broth with the leftover rotisserie chicken i had from yesterday. nothing special, just some rice wine, white ground pepper, and a few pieces of crushed ginger. afterwards i had some with a bit of rice noodles for lunch.

did anyone else watch swingtown tonight on CBS? my new favorite show! love the 70's vibe, kind of reminds me of madmen, another great show focused on a past era but with a modern perspective.

and finally, the NBA finals! game 1 between celtics and lakers in boston. great game, a real adrenaline rush, and the best part is the celtics won. most national basketball experts are saying the lakers will end up winning the series. but seeing boston compete against los angeles tonight, maybe some of them folks will be changing their minds now.