
i had lunch with dan p. long time readers of this blog will know that dan and i were coworkers at SRM. it was through his triathlon training that got me into running. we were also laid off together along with some other friends one fateful day back in june 2002. i think i saw dan one more time after that, but for all practical purposes i haven't seen him in 5 years. so when i met him today at the new WGBH building in brighton, i almost didn't recognize him at first. for one thing he had a beard which made him look like a splitting image of comedian zach galifianakis.

dan brought me upstairs to show me his office. we said hi to steph b., another SRM alum (it was her final week actually, she's going back to art school soon). i've been to the old WGBH building before but this was my first time at their new place. it's so big it actually spans two buildings connected by a skywalk. we had lunch at one of the smaller cafeterias. dan told me he still occasionally checks my blog, and said he and his family were relocating to western MA with the next few weeks if they can close on selling their house. seeing him again made me yearn for this good old days of SRM, sitting in our hidden cubicle spaces, spending all day pretending to work, when in fact we were just hanging out, taking long lunches, and generally having a good time.

returning to cambridge, i dropped by the community garden to do some watering. i picked off another red tomato hidden in the biggest tomato bush. although it was a pretty perfect specimen, i noticed there was a hole on the side made by an insect. that's unusual because for the most part bugs stay away from tomatoes. i returned home to use the bathroom and headed right back out when it started to rain. not a light shower, but a sudden torrential downpour. too wet to motorcycle, i waited until the weather cleared up before making my way to the cafe. my grandmother wanted to print some photos out and i was going to let her decide which ones she wanted. she also managed to finish my abbreviated 1000 photos china trip 2006 slide show.

i did a load of laundry and took a shower afterwards. for dinner i had a vietnamese sandwich. the red sox kept the yankees at bay with a tim wakefield victory over the devil rays (i don't think wakefield has ever lost to tampa bay in 18 meetings). the rest of the evening i was uploading photos to winkflash.