the day after a midweek holiday feels weird. it has both flavors of monday and thursday. with nothing especially planned for today (due to the wet weather), i was in no hurry to get out of bed this morning. however, when i did wake up and check my e-mails, the inevitable happened: client S found some bugs with project R and wanted me to fix them. suddenly there was some purpose to the day and all my plans (for instance, going out for a run) were overshadowed by the assignment. it wasn't too hard, and since i'm still under budget, anything to increase my hours i consider a good thing.
sometimes i think my grandmother is made of food. from my childhood, i don't remember ever seeing her buy groceries, yet she always seems to have an seemingly inexhaustible supply of things to eat. not just simple stuff, but things she's made. so it wasn't a surprise that she gave me a bag full of chinese meat buns yesterday, which i ate for lunch today. she's also always asking me what i've been eating. my reply is always, "i don't know," in which case she immediately blames my mother for not feeding me well enough. the last time she visited cambridge, i don't think i knew as much about cooking as i do now. not that i'm an expert by an stretch of the imagination, but i should invite my grandmother over for dinner and show her i have some food skills now, so she won't be worried that somehow i'm still going hungry.
i've decided to appeal one of my parking tickets today, even though my original complaint was denied. i'm pretty sure i'll lose the case, but it's the principle that's at stake here. i'm not even sure what's going to happen next. will i be summoned before the city traffic officer to make my case in person? will i need a lawyer even though this is only a $30 fine? like i said, it's the principle. sometimes i think the city screws with everyday citizen just because it can get away with it. you have to fight back occasionally, to keep them honest. i'm hoping i get to meet officer walker in person, the man who's been terrorizing the neighborhood with his propensity for ticketing vehicles for the slightest offense.
for dinner: chinese dumplings, followed by some cherries, then a slice of coconut custard pie, washed down with a can of grass jelly drink.