with summer just around the corner, it's even more urgent to get into summer shape. after i made an early finish of what little code work i had today, i made an omelette and a smoothie for lunch before going out for a run. i'm hoping to lose between 10-20 lbs. with my open schedule, there's no excuse for me to not get some exercise everyday. i'm going to try and work in more biking opportunities. one of the problems with running is i don't like to carry anything. it's hard enough running with an extra 20 lbs of gut. on a bicycle however, it's the best of both worlds: i can get my exercise but i can also bring along my camera for some photomaking. today's temperature was in the upper 60's, and it was raining a little bit by the time i headed out in the afternoon. conditions were optimal, i kept a pretty leisurely pace, and i managed to make it all the way around, stopping only once to get a drink of water. it was still a struggle, and i cursed my way through the whole run, but at least my endurance is starting to come back. i actually heard a car accident when i was at the fountain; i turned and saw an SUV crashed into the rear bumper of the car right in front of it. for a second i thought about sticking around to give my eyewitness account, but since i didn't actually see it happen, i decided to continue running instead.
even though i really can't afford anything right now, i still troll craig's list looking for used bargains. here are the things i'm always searching for: aquarium, fish tank, canon lens, apple cinema display, and microscope. not like i really need any of those things. i would like to get a new hood for that cracked aquarium though, and i know probably when i do find a 10 gallon hood it's going to come with it's own tank, so i'm going to end up with more aquariums that i'll know what to do with.
the red sox beat the colorado rockies tonight behind wakefield's pitching. unfortunately the yankees continue their winning streak, now at 7 games.