today, a delivery. i stayed by my computer, awaiting the trickle of bug report updates marking whether a fix had been verified or needed further coding. only two bugs came back and they were easy fixes at that. around noon i managed to post another build, and by the afternoon i received word that things were good to go. though this wasn't the big finale deadline, it was a deadline nonetheless, and so i had a momentary sensation of post-delivery exhilaration. too bad tomorrow's weather not looking to be picture perfect because i was ready to do some naturing. still, the pressure has been lifted, at least for a few days, so i'll have time to pursue some personal interests besides working.
for lunch i heated the last of my chicken broth and prepared some rice noodles with a sprinkle of tianjin fermented vegetables, fried garlic, and a dash of worcester sauce. this recipe always seemed to be a secret kept by my mother, but now that i know how it's prepared, i can have it whenever i want. the best part is making the chicken broth from the leftover rotisserie chicken carcass, it's nice to recycle food! since normally i'm very wasteful when it comes to ingredients.
there is one new male guppy that's my favorite: he has very bold black reticulated patterning and has a pearlescent shine. in a week or so he should be developing more red coloring in the rest of his body. this is a true cobra guppy, unlike the only single surviving member of the first brood, which looks more like a tuxedo guppy.
in the evening julie came over and made some fajitas. maybe it was all those beans, but i ended up hitting the bathroom a few times, right when the red sox were trying to come back from possibly losing to the athletics. papelbon blew a save for the first time this season and the red sox ended up losing.