i salted the sidewalk today but i don't think it's going to do any good. the ice is frozen so solid it's pretty much urban permafrost at this point. some other neighbors were using this blue stuff that looked like antifreeze, while still others resorted to good old-fashion sand. note to self: keep my mouth closed when i'm salting, otherwise i get weird chemical dusts blowing into my mouth and i need to run back into the house and rinse the poison out.
i watched the last king of scotland, a pretty good movie, with a really sweet 70's vibe, back when africa was still cool and not some forgotten continent that nobody cares about anymore. the outfits were rocking, and so was the music. what is up with forest whitaker's eye though? is one of them a fake? despite the idiosyncrasy, he plays a mighty charismatic dictator, and i hope he gets the oscar.

idi amin and his crazy eye

that is a sweet aquarium! 150 gallons?

sexy uganda!
in the evening an tao and his wife came back home after exploring cambridge for the day. they're really into walking, walked down a length of the charles river, then up to central square, and finally grabbed the subway home. they brought back a boca grande burrito for me. later i showed them how to make flan (which is hard to do because they don't own an oven back in shanghai). they went to bed while i started making the 2nd batch.